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Since 2005, video marketing has grown in popularity as one of the most engaging tools available.

No matter what industry you are in, video has become the go-to content format for people researching products before buying them. Online unboxing of products, road tests, and tear-downs have become a form of entertainment. 

Video content educates and engages your audience and helps to grow your brand personality. The more brand trust and familiarity there is, the better will be your conversions. 

And no place is better for video than YouTube. With over  2.7 billion monthly active users on YouTube, the platform is the premier location to gain new interest in your business’ products and services.

To gain the help of the Youtube algorithm, you need to make sure that you are creating a lot of engaging content. And the more engagement you can create in terms of likes, comments, subscribers, and watch time, the better chance you will gain more exposure.

Here are four different ways to create engagement with your audience on Youtube in 2023.

1) Create Easily Digestible Content

No matter how complicated your business or industry, there are some helpful tips and insights you can share with your potential customers.

But, if your videos don’t have clear points and easily digestible information, you will confuse and lose your audience.

One of the best tips for creating more engaging youtube videos is to add timestamps to your content. This is easy to do. You simply begin by adding a timestamp of 0:00 in your video description. Then, at the next point, add another timestamp that denotes when that section start (e.g., 1:48).

Once you publish the video, Youtube will automatically create breaks in the video that match your listed timestamps.

Another way to make content more digestible is to have visual breaks on the screen. These can include B-roll footage or even words that match the content you are speaking about. The more visual elements you add in, the longer your audience will want to watch.

2) Post Content Consistently

A sure and proven way to establish and maintain Youtube engagement is to be a dependable source of information. As you begin to develop a viewership, you must keep them coming back.

The key to growth and engagement on Youtube is to deliver new video content on a regular, consistent basis. If you are new to Youtube, the ideal amount of video content is about 1-2 new videos a week. This will help keep your audience returning, and it will also keep you on track with your content creation. 

It’s a good idea to plan out your video creation at least one month in advance if you can. That way, you aren’t scrambling for ideas every week when it’s time to upload.

3) Improve the Quality of Your Videos

Even though most people can record videos on their smartphone if you want to stand out, you have to upscale the quality. 

The three elements of your videos that can help improve the quality of your videos are lighting, sound, and camera quality.

Lighting is crucial to ensure the quality of a video is high. You can use natural light from a window or purchase a simple ring light for less than $150. 

Audio is also important to keep viewers engaged. If you can’t hear the video you are watching; you are less likely to stick around watching. Ideally, purchasing a professional microphone for about $150-$300.

If you have a video with poor audio, you can also add subtitles to your video to help people understand any unclear words.

Finally, the last thing to spend money on is a better quality camera. If you are willing to spend $1000-$1500, you can get a decent quality DSLR camera and lens.

4) Use Interesting Thumbnails

Before anyone even views your video, they must be enticed to click on it. 

During the past few years, the importance of Youtube thumbnails has grown. There are over 720,000 hours of video uploaded every day to YouTube, which means you must stand out among the competition.

Ideally, if you can have a face in your thumbnail, it will attract more interest. Also, add some words to the thumbnail to add context to what your video is about. These tactics will help people be more interested in clicking on your video and watching.

Give People a Reason To Keep Watching

If you want to grow your Youtube engagement, you must appeal to the interest of your audience. 

Doing some research on the most important questions for your target market and then creating video content around it is a great tactic.

If you can help your potential customers better understand your products and services or help them solve a problem, they are more likely to want to buy from you.

Youtube is an increasingly valuable tool for marketing your products and services. Focusing on growing engagement will also result in increasing your revenue.

Ready to grow your online engagement in 2023? Brandastic is a digital marketing and web development agency with offices in Orange CountyLos Angeles, and Austin. We specialize in PPC advertising, social media campaigns, video production, and website creation. Reach out to us today for a free PPC consultation to see how we can help promote your business!