How to Prepare for a Website Revamp
By Melissa | Jun 20, 2018 (4 min read)
Many business owners feel like their web design doesn’t really matter as much as good customer service, quality products or competitive prices. However, the truth is that a website can dictate the success of your business.
Most customers today begin their journey with a simple web search, which leads to them to your website. If they don’t find what they need, or the site is hard to use, they will click away within seconds.
All websites age over time. They start out looking new and modern, but as web technology changes, they begin to lose effectiveness and look dated. This is why a website revamp can help you to grow your customer engagement.
Where are you now?
It’s a good idea to start by thinking about the current problems that you have with your website.
- Is your site out of date in terms of look and feel?
- Is the site not providing what your customers and prospects need?
- Is your site not able to keep up with modern SEO standards?
- Are you finding you have low conversion rates on your website?
You will likely have your own unique blend of issues that your website is showing. For this reason, you really need to assess this before you get started. The more you know about what needs to be fixed, the better you can do it all in one update.
Review the newest and the best
Next, you must consider what you’d like to have as part of your website. To do this, you have to research what is out there.
If you are looking to update your car, you’ll probably want to get the newest model. This is the same for your website. You should be aware of the latest platforms that are available. Just like with a new car this requires some research and comparing of different sites. Research the websites of some of your competitors and see if any of them have a look or feel that is more up to date. Also look at industries similar to yours, as this can give you some excellent ideas to start with.
Many business owners will see a site they like the look of, and think that they should choose that platform. Keep in mind that this might not be the case, as another platform may better suit your needs. Just because one particular platform is popular, it is important to check whether it meets your needs.
Do you need to refresh your brand?
Many businesses say that they need to update their website, but they actually need to update their brand first. If your logo, images, fonts and all the pieces of your brand voice are out of date, or not consistent, then it might make sense to update them first.
The additional benefit of a brand refresh is that you can carry the same brand across your printed media (business cards, brochures, catalogs, powerpoint presentations) to give a consistent feel.
How much does the website affect your business?
Consider the impact of your website on your business. Some types of business, such as ecommerce are completely linked to their website for success. Others may just use the website as a contact point for new customers, or for an online identity.
Consult your customers
One of the best ways to know how to make your site more effective is to ask the people who use it. Asking five of your best customers to offer some suggestions may have a dramatic effect on how you redesign. There may be small problems that occur that you don’t realize. They may want a feature you had never thought of.
Sometimes the solution you are thinking that your website needs may not actually help your clients. This is why involving them and listening to their voice is essential.
Taking these steps before you begin your website revamp will ensure a more successful launch. The better prepared you are, the easier it becomes for your website developers to deliver just what you need in terms of look, function, and usability.