How To Know When It’s Time For A Brand Refresh [VIDEO]

Running a business is hard, and keeping up with the marketing is even harder, especially when it comes to branding. 

A brand is so much more than just a logo. It’s a visual representation of a companies’ values as well as its products and services.

Similar to a car, every brand goes through normal wear and tear over time. Eventually, a brand might need to be refreshed or sometimes completely redone.

Here are three common scenarios that show it’s time for a brand refresh.

1) A Change or Shift in Products or Services

Maybe a company starts out selling just one product, but over time they expand to ten products. Or perhaps they have reduced the number of products in order to specialize.

Sometimes a business wants to enter into a new market or a new demographic. 

This is a good time to ask: is the branding is still relevant? Does the brand still speak to your current customers?

Don’t be afraid to checkout market competitors. Staying up to date on the market is a great way to ensure your brand is still fresh.

2) A Market or Industry Disruption

At some point in time, every market will experience a shift or disruption. For example, the railroad industry experienced a disruption with the introduction of cars. Similarly, the printing industry experienced big changes when the internet arrived.

Just as there can be shifts internally with changes to a companies products and services, the same things can happen in a market. Be sure to embrace the changes and make sure your brand reflects the changes the world is experiencing.

3) Inconsistent Branding

Company growth is a huge factor in inconsistent branding. The faster a company grows, the more likely small branding elements can be missed. These small changes or mistakes can results in a larger problem over time.

It’s always better to roll out new branding all at once, or in organized segments. This helps to make your team appear professional and removes the risk of inconsistency as the company grows.

The very best way to undertake a brand refresh is to hire a team of experts. A marketing team can take care of all elements of a brand refresh, such as logo design, brand voice and strategy, colors, fonts, images, and everything else.

Working with a third party marketing agency also helps give an objective view of your marketing to ensure it stays up to date.

If you are ready for a brand refresh, then Brandastic is here to help. We are an award-winning digital marketing and design agency with offices in Orange County, Los Angeles, and Austin. We specialize in creating new branding, logo design, and modern website design. Contact us today to see how we can help you stand out in your market!