Choosing your company logo may not seem like something worth putting a lot of effort towards, but in the long run, you will find that it represents a lot more than you just may think. Serving as one of the most important promotional factors for your business, your logo will be recognized and associated with what your company has to offer. This is why it is important to take the time to make the best possible logo design for your brand name.
To help, here are a few tips to help make your logo count for your Orange County marketing…
ONE. If your logo is going to be placed on a variety of products (trucks, packages, business cards, etc.), you should keep that in mind when creating your design. While it is necessary to choose the right logo colors (as each one stands for something different), it is also good to keep things simple and eye-catching. It is also important to have an original, unique design so that your logo does not look like the rest. A good logo stands out against competitors so that it is remembered independently, not as one of many.
TWO. Logos can come in a variety of different ways. They can be symbols that represent your brand or even a clever way of designing your company’s name. There are even logos with hidden symbols in them so that if you look closely you see more than you would at first glance (FedEx is a good example of this with the hidden arrow in their design). You do not have to worry about being like all of the others because what works for them might not work best for you. While it is good to be aware of your competitors, it is best to be original when creating a logo for your brand.
THREE. Your logo should last a solid ten years, if not even longer. Think of it as a key representation of your brand. Do not focus on current trends because in time those will change. You want your logo to last so start thinking about what you want people to see when they are presented with your logo. Quality shows and if you put the effort into making a memorable logo, chances are it will show.
Brandastic builds world-class brands, excels in web design and SEO, and helps you to create a logo that stands as an accurate representation of your brand. Brandastic is a Southern California based digital marketing and advertising agency with locations in Los Angeles, CA and Austin, TX focused on relationships, excellence, and service. When you are ready to be noticed, to really stand out, contact Brandastic.