Every website has a purpose. Some are designed to be an information source for your business. Others are meant to gather customer emails and grow engagement.
As Amazon continues to grow as the world’s largest online shopping portal, it is driving more and more consumers to consider buying online. This is good news for your business. No matter what type of products or services your business offers, your customers want an option to purchase from you online.
If you’re already running an eCommerce business, or are considering it, here are some guidelines to help you grow your eCommerce sales.
Know where they’re coming from
It is amazing that many owners of an eCommerce business don’t have a clear idea of how their customers are finding their site. If your brand is very established, then this is less important. Your customers will likely just type your website into the browser. But if you are a smaller business, then you want to make sure you’re not losing potential customers by them not being able to find you.
Start with a tool such as the Google Search Console and track which keywords are helping your site to be found. This gives you a great advantage as you can then rework your online marketing and SEO to ensure you are visible to new customers.
Choose site-specific goals
If you run an eCommerce website such as the WordPress Woocommerce plugin, or a custom Magento site, you must consider how people are using the site effectively. To do this, there are several metrics that you can consider: session length, session interval or frequency, retention rate, and acquisitions.
Without getting too technical, these eCommerce metrics can help you to discover:
- Who is paying attention and visiting your site
- Where and for how long they are staying on the site
- Which pages they tend to buy from the most
- When and where they abandon the sale (if this happens a lot)
Make analytics your ally
To understand your site visitor behavior, you can set up site-specific tracking goals in Google Analytics. These will help you to analyze the audience and determine which parts of the site they value the most.
Google Analytics can analyze how many people are visiting (unique visits), and see if those that visit your site end up sticking (bounce rate). Finally, if they do leave, where on your website do they tend to decide to leave (exit page)? This is really valuable information to know.
Once you know the behavior of your site visitors, you can tweak the design to make it more user-friendly.
Look beyond the site sales
Sales numbers are the easiest measurement for e-commerce sites, but WordPress sites can also measure a sales-like conversion.
With plugins such as lead forms, newsletter sign-ups, phone number clicks on mobile and Call to Actions across your pages can all be tagged as events in Google Analytics.
If you treat these events as micro-conversions, you can gauge progress month by month and year over year. Remember that every interaction leads to a growth of your sales.
Your company website is accessible to millions of potential client and customers. It is often the first point of research that a customer will make. Understanding how it is working in your favor and what changes can be made to increase your revenue is crucial.