SEO (search engine optimization) has established itself as a necessary part of the process to help your website rank on search engines.
Everybody knows that seeing results from SEO work does take time, but there are actions you can take right now to improve your SEO rankings immediately.
The SEO landscape today is a silent battleground that only the most optimized websites thrive in. Here’s what you can do to become a worthy contender.
Let’s look at three simple steps you can take to boost your rankings in no time.
1) Improving Page Load Speed
When people browse online, they expect sites to load fast.
Just a one-second delay in page speed load time can cause a 7% drop in conversions and an 11% drop in pageviews.
If your website has a lot of images, one great tactic to improve speed is to optimize them.
By compressing images to a smaller size to reduce the file size, you will free up space on the server and improve load times.
Also, make sure that your WordPress, Magento, (or whichever CMS platform you use) doesn’t have any inactive plugins.
Finally, make sure your backend code is cleaned up. This process is called minification and removes all unnecessary characters from the source codes without changing their functionality. Minification can help your site crawlability and improves your page speed load time.
2) Fix Broken (404) Pages
Any website that has a lot of broken pages doesn’t just look bad; it’s terrible for site performance too.
If there are a lot of broken pages, this signifies to the site crawlers that a site is poorly maintained. It also raises the chances of dropping in rankings.
When sites have broken links or pages that won’t load, the site crawlers are also less inclined to visit and crawl your website as often.
Ensuring that all of your pages are in working order improves the overall user experience, which in turn helps rankings.
3) Use Header Tags
If the content on your website looks like one giant wall of text without any structure, that’s a problem.
When visitors have trouble reading your written content, they’re not going to stay on your site very long. Poor readability leads to reduced time on page, fewer sessions, an increased bounce rate, and, ultimately, a lower ranking.
The solution to better readability is Header tags. Header tags are headings and subheadings that help to differentiate the sections of a particular page.
The H1 tag is considered the page heading. The number H1 also tells search engines this information is the most important to review. It usually encapsulates the article in one sentence.
Each subsequent subheading in the content – H2, H3, H4, H5, and H6 – helps to structure the content in an organized fashion. It also makes for an easy read and keeps the user on the page for longer.
Header tags will improve the user experience and inform the search engines that your site content is worth reading. Correct header tags will help your website to rank better on Google, Bing, and all the other search engines.
In conclusion, remember that the easier your site is to use, and the more useful the information you share, the more likely the site is to rank well. Take the time to look at your site from an outside perspective and make improvements as often as you can.