3 Ways to Lower your Website Bounce Rate [VIDEO]

By Justin |  Oct 26, 2018 (3 min read)

SEO | Video | Web Development

When it comes to SEO and website statistics, most of the time the higher the number, the better the results. However there is one statistic that is different, and that is bounce rate.

Generally speaking, the lower the bounce rate is on your website, the better the site is performing.

What is bounce rate?

It’s a measurement of your visitors’ interactions with your website pages.

If someone visits your website and then clicks different links, scrolls up and down, that would measure as a 0% bounce rate.

However, if they come to your webpage, find that it’s not what they need and click away immediately, which would measure as a 100% bounce rate.

Over time, the average of these two differences starts to add up. Therefore, a lower bounce rate means your website is performing well in terms of interactions.

What is a healthy bounce rate? As a rule:

30-40% bounce rate is excellent
50-60% bounce rate is good
70-80% bounce rate is fair
80% bounce rate (and over) definitely needs to be improved

So let’s look at three different ways you can lower your website bounce rate.

1) Remove Pop-Ups from your Website

It can be very tempting to try to gather your website visitors’ email information immediately. But as you know, whenever you see a pop-up box immediately on a webpage, you have the urge to click away.

The temptation is there as a business owner to want to collect the information. However, it causes people on your site to want to leave.

As a suggestion, if you must have pop-up boxes, have them appear only after the second or third-page visit. Or have them appear only once on your website.

2) Make your Website Readable

When you visit a website, the ability to read the text on the page is very important. If you find it hard to understand the words, you are going to click off the site immediately.

When it comes to your website, make sure you use readable, large fonts, headings and subheadings, bullet points and images to keep people scrolling and reading.

Doing this will help people to want to stay on the page and click around more.

3) Keep it Fresh

The more your site has up-to-date information, current prices, relevant news, the more people are going to want to stay on the site.

If you go to a website and you notice it is several years out of date, you’re less likely to stay on that website. It’s the same for any business or service; you have to make sure that what you’re showing your customers is relevant and current.

Hopefully, these three tips give you some ideas to begin to lower your website bounce rate. Remember that the more valuable and useful the information is on your website, the more likely people are to stay on your site, click around, and buy your products and services.

If you need help with increasing engagement on your website, then we are here to help you. Brandastic is an Orange County Digital Marketing Agency with locations in Los Angeles CA, and Austin, TX that specializes in SEO, social media and growing engagement for your business. Contact us today to discover how we can help your business thrive in the current marketplace.

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