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From April 22 through May 6, Jetsetter, a website that compiles insider information on popular travel destinations and deals, held a “pin it to win it” photo contest on Pinterest. Members of the popular virtual pinboard site were invited to create boards with one of four travel themes: escape, adventure, style or cosmopolitan. In order to participate, pinners were required to have the phrase “Jetsetter Curator” within the board name and each pin needed to be hashtagged #JetsetterCurator.

Person with first person view of Pinterest on cell phone

One pinner from each of the four themes won a vacation relating to that theme and the most followed Jetsetter pinner was awarded a $1,000 credit with the company. So how did this contest benefit Jetsetter? reports:

“More than 1,100 users vied for a free trip, with an average of 40 images per board, totaling nearly 50,000 pins. Throughout the contest, referral traffic from Pinterest to increased 100% and pageviews increased 150%. Not only were more people coming to, but they were also sticking around longer — the bounce rate decreased by 10 to 15% during the promotion. Thanks to Pinterest’s integrations with Twitter and Facebook, Jetsetter also experienced a boost in referral traffic from those social networks, too. On Pinterest, the promotion helped Jetsetter jump from 2,000 to 5,300 followers — a pretty dramatic leap.”

Based on these statistics, Jetsetter’s use of Pinterest proved to be a smart and strategic marketing move for gaining a larger audience. The next question is: how can you shape this success to benefit your Orange County marketing strategies?

Pinterest is all about finding beautiful images and sharing them in a digital, social realm. The mission of the website is to “connect everyone in the world through the ‘things’ they find interesting”, which is why the site makes it so easy for pinners to connect and interact with others. Pin visually stunning and stimulating images to your company’s pinboards and hashtag with your company name. Does your company offer a service rather than a product that can be physically photographed? Like Jetsetter, think outside the box! Start with a pinboard theme that is important to the philosophy or mission statement of your brand—get creative and have fun! The more interesting, the better. Link your Pinterest account with your Orange County website and social media accounts to maximize traffic. Hone in on your marketing skills by capturing eyes and attention on Pinterest.

Brandastic is a digital marketing and advertising agency located in Costa Mesa, CA. We also have locations in Los Angeles, CA and Austin, TX, able to serve clients nationwide. We can customize your social media accounts and expand your web development and SEO strategies. We’re focused on building relationships, excellence, and service. When you are ready to be noticed and really stand out, contact Brandastic.