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2015 was slated to have a huge increase in mobile searches – and is speculated to surpass traditional desktop/laptop searches in organic traffic and paid clicks. That day may come sooner than expected, as Google just rolled out their plans for the newest ranking algorithm – Is your site mobile friendly? If not, your rank on Google’s search results might drop.

The Mobile-Friendly Era

Mobile milestones have been a steady constant for some time, and this new algorithm update will crawl websites and populate the top results with mobile-friendly sites to provide a better experience for the smartphone or tablet user. If your site is already mobile-friendly, you might not see a change, but if your website is not mobile responsive, start planning as the update will be in effect worldwide starting April 21st.

Below are some important things to note about the new update

  • Update only affects mobile search results, so searches conducted on a desktop will likely see no difference.
  • Worldwide, page by page application means that each page is judged separately. This is good if you have a mobile-friendly shop but an outdated homepage, as the outdated sections will not bring your overall score to unfriendly.

Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test

Not sure if your site is mobile-friendly? Take the test. Simply adding your URL will give you a report if your website is mobile-friendly or not, and what you can do to improve before April 1st. Take a look at our results below.

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From evolving programming to design and marketing, including social media marketing (SMM) and search engine optimization (SEO), Brandastic specializes in customizing their services around your needs. Brandastic is a digital marketing and advertising agency with offices in Costa Mesa, CA, Los Angeles, CA and Austin, TX.  With over 15 years of experience, we focus on delivering mobile-friendly sites that are forward-thinking in their design. Ignite the potential of your company, increase your search results, and convert customers with a powerful website that keeps you up to date and at the marketing forefront. Contact us today for more information.